Monday , December 3 , 2001
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New comic each day!

The tournament is now going!
It will now be the center of Game Summer.
You can still get in it. Just E-mail me your fighter.
Thank you for reading my comic
See you soon!
If you have some thing to say or ask
My E-mail is
Or if I'm not on ask Rand Icebane on AOL Messanger
Or use the Forum.
All video game characters, storylines, promotional merchandise, names, places, events, titles, 
and anything else not adapted or created by me belongs to their respective creators. 
Game Summer is a work of parody under the Fair Use Rule of 
the United States Copyright Act of 1976. Original content copyright © 2001

Game Summer is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.